Thursday, August 18, 2016

RGIII Tattoos the Name of his New Girlfriend, On His Arm, For the World To See

Should you get your girlfriends name tatted on your arm before your divorce is final?

In fact, you should NEVER get a tattoo of a significant other unless you're married and you're like 10000000% sure you guys are NOT getting divorced.  So what does Bobby G 3 do?  Goes and gets the FULL NAME of the girl he recently started dating tatted on his arm above his throwing hand BEFORE HIS DIVORCE IS EVEN FINAL!! Let alone married to her!  That's insane! Right?  No it definitely is.  That's batshit crazy by RGIII.  And the fact that this went viral leads me to imagine this Grete Sadeiko (who's super hot btw) found out via not Bob himself.  Could you imagine?  "Hey babe, did you get a new tattoo?"  "Yeah, want to see it?  I was going to surprise you, it's your-"  "Yeah my FULL NAME, I know."  "You know?"  "Yeah it's all over the internet, what the HELL were you thinking?"  And that's the question isn't it?  I know she was probably the first to know about the tattoo, and the fact they aren't broken up should tell you all we need to know about her.  But we all know RGIII has slowly been losing it since his knee disintegrated his rookie year.  But this is a touch aggressive, no?  If there's two tattoo's you don't get it's a tribal or barbed wire arm band, a team logo (unless it's part of a larger tat or you played there), and significant other's names unless you're at least married.  Other than that get any tattoo you want and I won't judge you.  But Robbie just does what he wants.  This is the same guy who went out of his way to buy a used piece of shit car and post it bragging about how humble he is.  And the guy who leaves lame motivation in his locker when he gets cut.  God help the Browns.  God help Grete Sadeiko.  God help us all.

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Ryan Lochte WAS Robbed In Rio

If you haven't heard this WILD story from the Olympics then climb out from under your rock my friend and let me catch you up!  So Sunday a story broke, via Lochte's mom, that Lochte along with fellow US swimmers James Feigen, Jack Conger, and Gunnar Bentz, were robbed and held at gunpoint by fake cops outside a Brazilian gas station.  Then the IOC said they were lying and later on NATIONAL TV Lochte doubled down on his account and gave us this gem: (the Lochte part starts at 2:10)

Then on Tuesday two of the swimmers that WERE robbed were pulled off of their flight, one never made it to the airport, and Lochte was already in the US.  They were taken into custody by Brazilian "authorities."  Now today Brazil claims they have video evidence that the quartet was not robbed and they were pissing on a gas station and broke the bathroom door down so they could get in.  No gun was pulled, and the swimmers were hammered.  The swimmers held by authorities confirmed the Brazil government's story, even though TMZ reported there was a gun involved, a detail the Brazilians conveniently left out.  Here's their "security footage."

Yeah, ok Brazil.  I believe Lochte.  Why?  Well other than the fact multiple other Olympians were mugged, Brazil and the IOC didn't want any more bad press.  The IOC doesn't want it because the whole world knows they were paid off by Rio to host the games and they're trying to avoid things getting worse and also trying to avoid a FIFA situation wherein all the officials get arrested and lose their posts.  Brazil/Rio doesn't want it because tourists=$$$ and nobody's gonna want to visit Rio if they think they're going to be robbed at gunpoint while trying to see some Brazilian ass, gigantic Jesus, and chill on Copacabana.  So they found four white dudes, had one of them dye their hair that dumbass blonde, and act out their side of the story.  I can't confirm who those guys are, I can't see their faces.  Why did the others agree to say Lochte lied?  Simple, Rio police were waterboarding them (or maybe regular interrogation tactics were used, who knows?) and they decided Lochte (the only one smart enough to get out and avoid those crazy Brazilians) wasn't worth going to jail for.  Especially not Rio jail.  So they threw poor Ryan under the bus, ran over him, backed over him, then ran over him one more time on the way out.  Rio wanted the bad press to stop and so they pulled out all the stops to make Lochte look like a lying dick.  Ryan Lochte is an idiot, sure.  But he is an honest idiot.  I'd trust him with my life and I've never met him.  The crime and corruption of Rio de Janerio continues, and the fact poor Locthe is being bashed is just sad.  Ryan, were you telling the truth?

Case closed.  #ISTANDWITHLOCHTE  do you?

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