
Cricket Player Hits On Reporter, Tries To Play it Off as Joke

Can't blame this Chris Gayle guy for trying right?  I can't decide what part I liked best, his "don't blush baby" immediately after saying maybe they can grab a drink after the match.  He didn't even give her a chance to react, and she was right, right?  She wasn't blushing, so that was just a crazy line that didn't make sense, so that's great.  Or the other candidate is him ending by saying he wants to get healthy and look in her eyes.  Then he makes that ridiculous face like "oh shit, bet you can't believe I just said that!"  Then he does his super high pitched cackle. 



Mel is done with his shit

Let me take a minute and talk about that laugh.  That laugh is so damn high pitched, it's abnormal.  It honestly makes me kind of uncomfortable, I could not handle being around that guy for more than probably 26 seconds.  I like to think that if hyenas heard that laugh, they'd make fun of how high pitched and annoying his laugh is.  Hyenas probably would think "damn, this guy's got a worse laugh than we do! We're no longer the most annoying creature on Earth!"  If I were that reporter I probably would've punched him in the throat just so I wouldn't have to hear him laugh again, forget more horrendous pick up lines.  I imagine that the real reason she was upset was she had to hear that laugh and see him feeling himself after that train wreck.  I bet she didn't care she was hit on, she was probably mad at the awkward lines and terrible delivery of said lines.  And of course him thinking he was killing it.  Then of course he was asked about it and he did the old "c'mon guys I was just kidding, don't take it seriously."  That was the "my twitter got hacked" a billion years before the internet was even invented.  The old "just kidding!" was the first public excuse for why you're being shitty ever.  The first person to ever take something too far tried to play it off as a joke when people got mad, and everyone else ever has done it ever since.  Now I want to go back to when he asked her to go out for drinks.  Now I know cricket is big in Australia, but seriously does that have any pull even there?  If you tried to pick up girls in America by telling them you were a big time cricket player they'd probably have no idea what the hell that even means, the ones who do know it's a sport would probably just laugh at you because if a sport doesn't matter here then it doesn't mean a damn thing if you play it anywhere. (The exception being soccer which is still growing here though)  Plus this Mel McLaughlin is a dime.  She's probably thinking why would she get drinks with a lowly cricket player when she could be a sideline reporter anywhere in America and hook up with real athletes.  And Mel was a champ during the interview, just totally shut down his "advances" and kept trying to do her job.   If anything you'd think this at least livened up the match for her because I'm pretty sure cricket takes like days to play a complete game.  Moral of the story is don't hit on the hot sideline reporter unless you actually have serious game and/or play a real sport that is impressive to women.

With that being said I'll leave you with some Mel appreciation pics, enjoy.

Personal fave, maybe this is why she was offended? Lesbianism=feminism after all.  Still hot though, get it Mel.
I need someone to tell me if this girl with Mel is the one from the above picture, and if she is actually a lesbian or not.  Tried looking it up, but Australian sideline reporters don't get the treatment American ones do.

MayPac Reaction

Wow.  That word effectively and simply sums up the "fight of the century."  However this is not a "WOW!!  What a great fight by the best boxers of this generation!  This fight was definantly worth the $100!"  No, sadly this is a wow, I can't believe people were forced to pay that much to watch an atrocity that should in no way qualify as a boxing match.  Where was the fighting?  Every time Manny Pacquiao tried to swing at Floyd "(just robbed you of your) money" Mayweather, he was met with a duck and quick jab, a clinch of Manny, or he simply just backpedaled and danced around the ring.  Before any member/supporter of "The Money Team" who happens to be reading this decides I have no idea what I'm talking about because that's how Floyd fights, I am fully aware that this is his strategy.  It just flat out sucks, and at the same time it epitomizes Money Mayweather.  It's known that the man is the quintessential coward, the fact that he is a serial woman beater is a prime example of this, it's just disappointing that in boxings biggest fight in the last 20 or so years he continued to fight like one.

You can throw all the numbers from the fight you want at me, I know Floyd landed 138 punches to Manny's 81, and the fact that Floyd even threw a few more punches than his offensive minded opponent did.  But how many of those punches were combinations?  How many did any real damage Pacquiao physically, not just damage his scorecard?  Manny, like 47 other fighters before him, could not crack the Mayweather defense, and like almost every other big fight of his career Mayweather did just enough between, avoiding any punches and landing a counter-jab every now and again, to win the decision.  Manny on the other hand actually provided some entertainment in the few times he was actually able to get in on Floyd and landed some impressive combos, but before he could really get going Mayweather predictably clinched Pacman.  I should have known this fight would suck, I heard all about Mayweather's defensive tactics, he duped me into watching this disgrace to any and all fighting, just so he could play the decision and walk away with more money in one night than most people will ever have in a lifetime.  Obviously he would win the decision, Manny hit air on 81% of his punches, but it feels like Manny should've won because he looked like the only one in the ring trying to actually box.

If you couldn't tell I was pro-Manny for this fight, not because of the whole "good-vs-evil" hoopla because that was really Freddie Roach and Team Pacqiao feeding America a load of crap because Manny's a bad dude too (though I still feel he is the lesser of two evils) I was sick of hearing Money claim he's the best of all time simply because he hasn't lost a professional fight.  A lot of guys probably could go or could have gone unbeaten if they danced around and refused to do any real fighting.  You want to know why boxing is so unpopular now?  Floyd Mayweather.  You could tell a lot of people hate the guy because of who he really is outside the ring, that isn't the kind of man you want to be the face of any sport.  Boxing has had it's share of villains at the top, most notably (outside Mayweather) is probably Mike Tyson, but he at least fought his opponent, Tyson may have been a psycho, but he was at least entertaining.  Someone was going to get knocked out in a Tyson fight, whether it was Mike or who ever he was fighting.

Which brings me to my second and final point on primarily why boxing is so unpopular.  Not only is the face of the sport synonymous with villain, he simply is completely boring.  In a world where people expect to be forced to the edge of their seat with high octane, ultra-entertaining offensive sports, boxing's best continually delivers the opposite.  Why do you think baseball is growing less popular and football and basketball continue to look for ways to increase entertainment by tweaking rules to implore more offense and a quicker pace?  Mayweather the person sells more tickets and pay per view viewings because want to see him go down, however people fail to realize they will be watching Mayweather the boxer, a man who evades more punches than he does convictions, dodges more blows than Manny does taxes, and when he does hit it's sure to be quick and boring, his offense is there only so he can escape and reset his defense.  Who wants to watch a sport where it's headliner throws more punches at women than he does at other actual boxers?

Floyd announced he will fight one more fight in September then retire.  Unfortunately it's almost guaranteed not to be "Mayweather Pacquiao II" because the man is too prideful to take a chance that Pacquiao may get the better of him in a rematch, he'll probably fight the number 82 boxer in the world, bore the world to a victory (by decision), and then leave only to make headlines for more domestic abuse cases where he won't get convicted.  So in conclusion, the fight was so bad that it produced the rant you just read, and it made me wish I had watched Saturday Night Live, or the replay of Cippers-Spurs game 7 instead.

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