Get Weird Wednesdays


You remember the band Creed right?  Kinda like Nickleback, all songs sound the same?  But you secretly kinda liked them anyway?  Oh yeah, you remember em.  This is great, guys just singing lines of Creed songs that you probably forgot about. I actually think it's hilarious, not only because it's the kind of dumb shit I would do, but because I enjoy seeing these guys do dumb shit and just enjoy themselves.  You think guys are creedbombing each other in Cleveland?  Hell no, they probably don't even talk to each other, they probably just wish they weren't playing for the Browns.  A+ locker room shenanigans.  Very weird very funny, I'm taking Carolina in the Super Bowl on creedbombing alone.  Luke Keuchly and Cam could break their legs in practice and as long as they're still creedbombing I'm sure they'll win.

Like this post?  Share it!  If you don't I will see to it that you're creedbombed during your next important meeting, test, or whatever.  While you're giving your wedding vows even.


So a little new thing I'd like to introduce to you.  Get Weird Wednesday, and yes it's called that because weird and Wednesday start with w.  It's pretty self explanatory, I'll write a blog about the weirdest thing from the sports world I find.  Pretty new idea, I'd like to see where it goes.  I'm hoping this blog gets big enough and people actually engage constantly with it so I can take suggestions (I can do it now if you ever got one.  Email is in the header.)  So let's get started, the very first Get Weird Wednesday goes to none other than John Calipari for this GEM of an NBA All-Star vote video telling UK fans to vote for former Wildcats.

AMAZING.  Awesome stuff, so awkward, so graceful, so corny, so beautiful.  Coach Cal, by God you've done it, best All Star voting campaign I have ever laid eyes on.  The fake unibrow?  Classic. The SUPER awkward John Wall dance that nobody, not even John Wall himself, has done since 2010?  I real life lol'd at that one.  The awkward beginning where it seemed like he didn't really know what he wanted to say then just went right into "BOOGIE."  Pointed to the headband and pulled out a VOTE BOOGIE tee?  The perfect amount of weird.  The strange wide eyed stare at the camera is also a thing of beauty.  Basically everything about this video is so awkward it's amazing.  How about Cal pitching Rondo when he never coached Rondo at UK, or ever for that matter.  Best part though? Tough call, but I'd say it's between talking to his shoulder (the Karlito part) or the Bledsoe bobble head.  Calling out all his players that either ride the bench only or are like d-league guys and saying that they're their own lottery ticket though?  Also great, basically I love it all.  Saying D-Rose, Tyreke Evans, Patrick Patterson, and Terrance Jones are All-Stars though?  Bit of a stretch there coach.  Actually it's a giant, full splits kind of a stretch but you all know that.  Does Coach Cal actually do his own recruiting though?  After this video I'm questioning it, because that was a terrible pitch by Cal there.  I hope he doesn't walk into some 18 year olds house and just give em that weird stare he gave that camera and fumble around with his words and talk in that hushed tone you talk to toddlers with.  He can't right?  What if he did?  Just takes a bobblehead found in the house and asks it questions like it were the recruit instead, or helping Cal give the pitch.  Would be fascinating though.  So that's Get Weird Wednesday, basically it'll be stuff like that and I'll try to make jokes about it.  This Cal video will be tough to beat though, greatest video on the internet in my opinion.

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