Friday, July 1, 2016

LeBron Enjoys His Offseason By Indulging In Some Overdue Narcissism

Remember Kobe's last game and Kanye West was there wearing this?

Well it turns out our old friend LeBron James is on a yacht with his banana boat gang and he was wearing this:

Now I don't know if he had this made, which would be lame.  If someone sent it to him, which would be awful, or if he saw it online and bought it/demanded a free one, which would be straight pathetic.  I mean, how can you be such a douche?  That's maybe a decent shirt if a pathetic LeBron/Clevleand fan was wearing it, but LeBron wearing a shirt in his own honor?  Easily a top 5 all time douche move.  If you don't see Bron Bron rocking the "I feel like Bron" tee and don't immediately roll your eyes at it you are also probably an asshole.  And if you actually think it's a good move?  I don't even know what to tell you other than we will never get along.  We could agree on everything else in life, but I would never get past that.  Is that a me problem?  Yeah, but LeBron really should ease up on the feeling himself.  I don't care if you're the best basketball player on the planet and you just brought a title back to a city of losers, that doesn't give you the right to continue being an asshat.

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