Thursday, October 13, 2016

Kentucky Couple Gets Married Waiting to Buy Big Blue Madness Tickets

You know, I was gonna talk about how these hicks are NUTS for getting married while waiting in line to buy tickets to a PRACTICE, but I won't.  Growing up I was lead to believe that all girls want a huge fancy ass wedding that will cost you a ton of money.  Like literally you're paying to throw the longest, most expensive, and elegant party of your whole life but she'll tell you it's not a party it's a celebration of your love for each other and the fact that you will have (I'm told) infrequent sex with her for the rest of your life.  (She doesn't tell you the last part it's just known and widely accepted.)  (Also a solid 98% of my knowledge of weddings and adult relationships comes from sitcoms, what of it?)  But though this gal doesn't exactly look like a girl I would want to marry or hook up with, I like her.  Why blow money on a ball room and shit and get married in a stuffy uncomfortable church dressed in expensive clothes like a sucker when you can get married on a lovely fall day waiting to go buy tickets to see your favorite collection of teenage boys practice a sport the rest of your region of the country doesn't give a fuck about?  Honestly this may be my dream wedding, it won't happen because I doubt I could find a girl that would either like this idea, or agree to this idea and be attractive, and the tickets should be for something important and maybe not the ticket line either.  Maybe like a tailgate wedding ya know?  Something real classy.  Me and my girl getting married on the steps of Lambeau Field as it snows.  But anyway, this guy seems happy with this girl who seems happy with this whole situation so good for them.  I'd never do it, most all normal people wouldn't do it, but all the more reason to be happy for these two crazy cats fans.  I hope you don't get divorced and I hope that practice kicks ass!

PS-instead of saying "I do" they should have said "Cats by 90"

PPS- I hate Kentucky but goddamn do I love #Catsby90.  So cocky and pretty funny.  I want to steal it for my teams but I don't know if I should.  I might.  I probably will.

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