Thursday, October 13, 2016

Paul Pierce Says Today's NBA Stars Are Less Competitive Than In His Day Due To Super Teams.

Basically, the Truth was not impressed with the decision: 
"I could have left Boston years ago but I stuck it out. I just feel like when you're that close as a competitor, you don't go join the team that just pushed you out. That's just me personally but we're living in a day and time where there's a new generation. Guys I don't think they are as hungry or competitive as my generation was, and that's why you'll probably see more of that."

This fucking guy.  Let's slow your roll here Mr. Truth.  You are out here bashing a man who joined the best regular season team of all time because he felt his window in OKC was closed and he wanted a change of both scenery and culture and to maybe actually win a title?  Ok, but you do remember playing for the 2008 Celtics right?  The team that basically started this "big 3"/"super team" era?  Ok, good, so how about you get off of your high fucking horse before you start calling this generation soft.  Do I like that KD joined my dubs and will take away some of Steph's shine?  I absolutely do not.  But I think it took a lot of balls to leave a good situation in OKC to try and dominate with a great team. A team that did NOT win the title so you could make the case they needed an upgrade.  So before you call this generation soft, remember that two of the top players from YOUR generation (Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett) joined you in Boston to be a super team and roll to a ring.  Just because Kobe and Duncan never left doesn't make your generation perfect.  Steve Nash left to try and form a super team in LA with Kobe and Dwight.  That obviously didn't work out and Phoenix was about to rebuild anyway, but still.  Vince Carter joining that early 2000s Nets team?  Kidd going back to Dallas?  Not to mention after being traded from Boston (not his fault, I know) you went to a young promising team in Washington, and then left to try and chase a ring in LA with the Clippers.  Obviously not super teams, but I didn't see you in the green and white when the Celts were hanging in the lottery trying to claw their way back.

I'm really sick of the whole super team bashing in general.  I get it, I hated when LeBron and Bosh joined Miami, if it's not your team I get hating it.  That being said remember any of those 80s Lakers teams everyone loves?  Super team.  Wilt going to LA before that?  Super team.  Rodman joining Jordan and Pippen?  Definitely a big 3 and given they were all top 10-15 players at the time, you could say that they were a super team.  See where I'm going with this?  In 15 years nobody will be bitching about KD leaving and they'll all be honoring the fuck out of these upcoming Warriors teams.

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