Saturday, December 17, 2016

Video Of Oklahoma Running Back Joe Mixon Punching Woman In The Face Released To Public And It's BAD


Two years ago Joe Mixon allegedly punched a woman in the face.  Yesterday the video proving he did was released to the public.  It's not good Joe.  Not good at all.  Let's not forget that two years ago OU head coach Bob Stoops and the Athletic Director saw that video.  They WATCHED Mixon hit her with that right cross and not only didn't kick him off the team, they KEPT HIM ON SCHOLARSHIP.  He was suspended for his freshman season (so basically redshirted) and sentenced to community service.  All in all a slap on the wrist for what looks a lot like full on assault.  I try to avoid being team outrage, but that's blatantly ridiculous.  The fact someone could watch that and choose to turn a blind eye is disgusting.  But at least ol Joey has his heart in the right place.
"Mr. Mixon asked us to once again say he is sorry for the way he acted that night," a statement through his attorneys said. "He has publicly apologized to Ms. Molitor, her friends, his family, teammates, and the University. He hopes that his voluntary release of these recordings will help put this matter to rest."
It wasn't voluntary, it was ordered by a judge.  And I'm sure his apology was sincere and his own doing, and he wasn't told to do it.  I'm sure his words made up for the fact he bashed her in the face.  Obviously OU is ran by scumbags, and college football is full of scumbags that will turn a blind eye to anything (ex. Baylor, FSU Jameis Winston) as long as it helps them win football games.  And it goes without saying but, hitting a woman is never ok.  Ever, save for very extreme circumstances like life threatening.  I don't think a wasted college chick giving you a little shove counts as dire circumstances.  But the best part is he'll still likely get drafted and become a millionaire in the NFL.  Nice to see people are held responsible for their actions.

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