Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dwight Howard Wants Out Of H-Town (reportedly)

Story: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2599493-dwight-howard-reportedly-unhappy-playing-alongside-james-harden

Dwight Howard needs to get over himself if he ever wants to win anything.  How little self-awareness must he have if he still thinks he can be the man on a championship team?  Honestly his supporting cast had as much to do with Orlando making the Finals in 2009 as he did.  And even he actually knows he can't be the number one, the two elite perimeter stars he has played with he didn't like it.  Star one would be Kobe, who yeah was probably starting his decline around 2012-13 when Dwight and Steve Nash came to LA and people expected them to dominate.  Dwight was hurt and collapsed under the pressure of LA for the most part when he did play.  Kobe hated his childishness and the fact he missed so much time with his injury.  It must've been better than it was if Kobe thought he could play through it, and Kobe is as tough as they come but still.  Now Harden, and James does as good a job as Kobe at chucking up shots and being inefficient, especially this year.  Personally I do think Dwight is soft, he just wants everyone to love him, and lets people do or say whatever, the only time I've seen him actually react and do anything was with fans, reeeeaaallll tough Dwight, super tough.  Now I know he's had some good years in Orlando, being dominant on the glass and on defense, but those are his only two good qualities and he doesn't even do that anymore.  He still gets 12rpg and 1.8bpg but when I watch the Rockets you just don't feel like Dwight really impacts the game.  I always thought he was overrated, he never has had a good offensive game, and probably never will.  He has bad footwork, can't actually dribble the ball, he really just gets put-backs and dunks.  Seriously though where would Dwight go?  Milwaukee might trade a promising young player for him because they're the Bucks and dumb personnel moves are their thing.  But seriously?  Who?  Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone, Boston maybe, they have enough pieces and picks to trade, and big guys who can actually score.  Now that I think about it that actually really works, I mean all the fans in Boston are considerably tougher than Dwight, and they might not like a whiney happy-go-lucky believes he's already the best guy like Dwight, but I don't like Boston and I don't like Dwight so that'd work for me.  Cleveland has Mosgov and I would love to see ultimate team player LeBron try and act like he likes Dwight.  Seriously the Cavs might not ever make the Finals with Dwight, I'm pretty sure he's cursed.  Kyrie, Bron, Love, and Dwight would be the new Nash, Kobe, Pau, and Dwight, who knows if it would actually work because locker room issues follow Dwight wherever he goes.  He got Stan Van fired in Orlando after complaining about him, though his system is what made him so good.  The Lakers issues are well-documented, and now this issue in Houston.  I would love to see the dynamic with LeBron and Dwight, if people thought LeBron was throwing shade at Love last year I can only imagine the side comments and antics, and unlike Love who seemed unphased by the media saying LeBron and Love didn't get along, you know Dwight would have his feelings hurt and would probably openly bitch about it to the media, that would be awesome to me because I could sit here and rip Dwight for forever already.  But back to the topic, Boston is realistic, Cleveland actually could I just don't know what they would trade to Houston in return.  OKC maybe, but they're more in the market for anything that would help Russ and KD offensively, that is not what Dwight would do.  Dallas is another team, and Mark Cuban and the Mavs front office aren't afraid to go after big names that might not work out (see Rondo last year).  Atlanta could use some size, but I don't think Dwight would fit well there either, Indiana maybe again I don't know what they would trade back though.  Apparently there was already talks with the Heat for Whiteside, but if I'm Miami I keep Whiteside, he has had his issues but he's younger and he does the things Dwight does but better, he's the best shot blocker in the league.  The Knicks are known to go after big names, but that would suck, I could not root for Dwight so I hope that's not a possibility, plus they're still feeling the effects of the last time they traded for a superstar.  They have no pick this year because of the Melo trade.  He could fit in DC, but he'd be option 3 behind Wall and Beal, so he'd hate that, Superman needs his touches if you want to win according to Dwight.  So all in all Boston is the only situation that to me makes the most sense and works best for SuperDwight.  Just remember everyone that Dwight should be your number guy, after all he is a champion, I guess.

Keep doing you Dwight, causing drama and not actually winning championships because you're delusional about your own abilities.

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