Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Great NFL Day in Buffalo Today

Well some nice tales came out of Buffalo today, and they were some great moments.  They may not hold a light to the pack of glorious drunken lunatics that constitutes #BillsMafia.  If you are not familiar with Bills Mafia look them up, guarantee you will not be disappointed.  So without further ado here's what happened in Buffalo, NY today.

LeSean McCoy Still Hates Chip Kelley

So earlier today LeSean was asked about his ex head coach Chip.  Well, he was asked if he'd shake his hand, because Chip said he'd like to shake LeSean's hand.  The highlights of this were LeSean saying "Chip can't shake shit."  He'd go on to say that he doesn't hate Chip, rather they have nothing to talk about.  Realllllllllly? Really LeSean?  You're going to follow up saying you don't hate him by saying you won't shake his hand because you two have nothing to talk about?  You don't have to talk about anything to shake his hand, literally all you would have to do is shake his hand.  Come up with something better, or at least don't deny you hate him, go straight from saying he can't shake shit to that being the reason.  I mean, if you are going to lead with "Chip can't shake shit" just go full I hate Chip and you all can deal with it.  I'm not saying he's wrong to hate him, by all accounts he seems to be a egomaniac and extremely arrogant, but don't try and act like you don't and say things that clearly suggest you do.  Pick a lane and stick to it LeSean.

Rob Ryan Makes an Appearance At Bills Practice

Yup, Robbie Ryan decked out in Bills apparel head to toe was at brother Rex's Bills practice today.  I hope for Buffalo's sake Rex isn't going to hire him, I mean he's proven that he just cannot coach in the NFL, and Rex really can't either, he doesn't need Robert dragging him down any further.  Can you imagine family holiday's at the Ryan household?  You probably picture a bunch of boisterous people, just being loud yelling, Robert giving a kid a wedgie calling him a nerd, Rex checking out everyone's feet or whatever, drunkenly guaranteeing a Super Bowl?  I don't know.  I picture Buddy Ryan just sitting there in silence, nobody talks, he just looks at Rex and Rob and just slowly shakes his head, takes a sip of his drink, shakes his head disappointedly some more, mutters something to himself and leaves the room.  Rex sits with his head down in shame for a while, and Rob piles food on a plate and proceeds to eat out back alone while downing a dozen PBR's.  On a serious note Rob being involved in coaching in any way for the Bills is a bad move, like awful.  I hope that Rob is just there hoping to be a part of #BillsMafia just pounding beers, smashing folding tables, and doing weird sex stuff all outside Ralph Wilson Stadium.

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