Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Coach K Defends ACC's "Handling" Of Grayson Allen

Not much happening in the sports world that I've seen so far today, so I'll talk about this story from Monday.  First off, what the hell is Coach K talking about?  The ACC didn't do jack shit.  They sent him a fucking letter, bro.  They did the bare minimum they could possibly do without actually doing nothing.  Maybe I'm just misunderstanding a letter of reprimand, but I think a Duke star got away with tripping an opponent for the second time this year without any real penalty.  And Coach K going saying he thinks the ACC did their job?  They gave him the "stiffest reprimand a player has gotten all year".  We've been over this, they just sent him a letter saying "don't do this again."  That's it.  Then he plays the poor me card by saying "The world doesn't move on, because it's Duke."  Get the fuck outta here coach K.  The world doesn't move on because people hate you and your team, because you're all scumbags.  Don't try and play victim, your teams have a long history of doing shitty things and getting away with it.  (I blogged about this during the first Allen trip so look it up.)  Basically all you're doing is just rubbing it in our face that Duke got away with it again.  He should've been suspended for at least a half or something.  Literally anything, I'd take the first 5 minutes of a game.  But no, Grayson Allen wears a jersey with 'Duke' across his chest, so the worst that'll happen is him getting a goddamn letter that bears no real consequence for his actions.  I hope he enjoys tripping players when they lose their first tournament game this year.

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