Tuesday, March 22, 2016

LeBron Unfollows Cavs Saga (Unfollowgate)

So in the past two days LeBron James, the king himself, has unfollowed the Cleveland Cavaliers on social media, and when confronted about it had no idea how to explain that one.  So now people are talking about what exactly this narcissist was up to when he did.

Here's part I of Unfollowgate: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2626610-lebron-james-unfollows-cavaliers-on-twitter-instagram

My initial response to this news?  He's gone, maybe not this year, maybe not even next year, but he's definitely frustrated with this team (that he forced the front office to put together, these were the guys HE wanted) and I think him bolting the land is 100% in the cards.  Let's take a minute and think about that.  I hope he doesn't actually think everyone in the world won't hate him again.  He can't be that stupid right?  I mean what's he doing?  Well let's ask him.

Ohh shit.  He didn't even bother to have a cover lie in his back pocket?  You do something you know someone, anyone, is going to notice you HAVE to have a lie planned.  That's just life 101 for ya.  So LeBron is so delusional he thought he can just unfollow his team's twitter and nobody would even bother to ask him?  He's gotta be better.  Steph is so in his head that Bron Bron has planned 27 steps ahead to already leaving Cleveland and he doesn't have little white lies for when he does something that could even possibly in the slightest way suggest he might leave again planned?  It's sad to see what's happened to LeBron.  Came in a spry 18 year old, fresh out of high school and onto the court.  So much promise, so much talent.  Then he decides "The Decision" was a good idea and heads for South Beach wins 2 titles in 4 straight Finals trips on a superteam (lost to Dallas and San Antonio, and if not for Ray Allen he would've lost to SA twice) and then goes back to Cleveland hoping to take advantage of young talent, forces the front office into overpaying guys he demanded the keep at any circumstances, gets his coach fired, and now everything is going exactly to plan blowing up in his face.  It's beautiful really.  The most talented player ever can't win titles without surefire hall of famers on his team.  Now he's going to leave Cleveland again (as long as Golden State and others remain this good) and Dan Gilbert may actually put a hit on him.

BUT WAIT! http://www.cleveland.com/cavs/index.ssf/2016/03/lebron_james_unfollowed_the_ca.html

LeBron just unfollowed the Cavs for his no social media during the playoffs, a little thing he likes to call "zero dark 30 23" the STUPIDEST name for anything in the history of everything.  The fact he leaves the 30 in is ridiculous.  Why?  Replace it with 23 and then you have zero dark 23.  Still incredibly fucking lame, but at least you come off as less of an idiot.  Anyway, he does that thing every year, or at least last year, where he avoids social media.  But he posted or was caught liking stuff last year so he obviously still uses it, at least reads it.  Anyone that self centered could never not look at his twitter feed.  I don't think anyone of any level of self centeredness could actually.  But still, let's pretend he just locks his phone away or whatever, deletes the apps, whatever does it for you.  You don't need to unfollow something/someone to do that.  You just don't look, no unfollowing required, so that's the worst leaked lie to ever come out of Bronny's camp.


TODAY HE DECIDED TO JOIN SNAPCHAT!  What the fuck is this guy doing????  Seriously, am I missing something here?  Because, I am confused, I'm lost, I'm bamboozled.  You're in the middle of this whole Unfollowgate and you decide to announce that you will be on more social media.  Social media has been the source of all your problems the last month, from cryptic tweets, to shitty instagram videos about how hard you work, and so the solution is more?  It's not what I would've done but kudos to you LeBron, I guess that's why you're the best athlete (and underachiever) of a generation and why I'm just a skinny white kid writing to the depths of the internet about you.  I guess I just don't #StriveforGreatness enough.  Tell em King Bron Bron!

A video posted by LeBron James (@kingjames) on

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