Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Rockets Rookie Sam Dekker Blesses the World With An All-Time Picture Of Dwight Howard

First off that tweet is perfect.  Why is Dwight taking senior pics in his late 20's?  Is it because he's still a champion and can do whatever he wants?  Is it because he's a 13 year old trapped in a grown man's body?  Who knows!  I've never been a huge Dwight Howard guy.  I think he's always been overrated, even when he was the best center in the game.  Always a lackluster offensive player, and he's the softest man in the game.  You can walk all over Dwight and he'll do nothing about it, maybe he'll cheap shot you, but that's because he's a coward.  Anyway, enjoy Dwight's senior pic, and you'll have to ask him for the wallet size yourself.

PS- how did Sam get away with that?  Shouldn't this have played out the other way around?  Is the rook hazing the vet?  Dwight's gotta man up at some point man, can't let this happen, makes the team look weak if you got rookies blasting your senior pics you took last summer all over the internet.

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