Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Surprise, Surprise. More Warrior Disrespect.

Another two parter here.  I'll start you all off with the less serious part.  Some Oakland area kids don't respect the greatest player in the game and just dump water all on him.

Now you may be thinking, "isn't he letting them do this?  Why does this matter?"  Well if you look closely I don't think Steph was expecting it at all.  Did you hear that scream at the end?  That's the scream of pure shock.  And what are the kids thinking?  I'm sure it's pretty warm out in the bay area now, but what if it's a breezy day?  You're going to risk the MVP getting hypothermia?  That's ridiculous.  And why are these kids wasting water?  Hey kids, there's no water in your state, you should probably just drink that instead of trying to water board the best player in basketball.  Little shits.

On to the slightly more serious part, Charles Barkley says the Warriors will not win the championship this year.  (video: http://defpen.com/charles-barkley-guarantees-the-warriors-wont-repeat/) He said this last year too and was wrong.  I'm not putting too much stock into this, because unless Steph, Klay, or Draymond suffer a severe injury they're winning it all.  Sir Charles has never shied away from firing a hot ass take and I hope he never does.  I wish he'd think about it before he fires more shots at the Warriors though.  But then again, it seems to work in the Dubs favor.


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