Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kings Fans Line Up Down The Block For The New Logo Tattoo

Remember yesterday when I said anyone who would get a free tattoo of the Kings new logo is an absolute clown?

Turns out Sacramento is a town full of IDIOTS.  If you are from Sacramento you live in a place full of losers and chumps.  Getting a tat of your favorite team is pretty lame in general, but to wait in a big ass line for one is patently ridiculous.  I don't care if it's free, it's absurd.  And the guy in the last tweet PAID for his!!  He paid actual money for something he for some reason couldn't find the time to get for free!  He paid money for something he shouldn't have gotten at all!  Even for free!  What a moron!  Anyway, here's how any conversation regarding that tat will go down:

"Hey what's that tat?"
"Oh it's the Kings logo.  Got it for free when they unveiled it.  NO BIG DEAL."
"But they suck, why would you get a tattoo of a team that sucks so much?"
" was"

Notice how the person with the tattoo comes of as a complete idiot?  Because they are.  Now I'm not mad at Sacramento (just disappointed) it's their lives, their bodies, their decision.  I'm just saying that doing this is laugh out loud stupid.  That should be a new question on job or college applications.  "Have you ever gotten a free tattoo of a team's new logo?"  If they check yes you know that they are a new level of stupid and there's no need to accept them or offer them employment.  All in all, Sacramento may be the new dumbest place in America.  You may not be able to get season tickets, but at least you have that dank ass tat for the rest of your existence!

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