Friday, April 29, 2016

Phil Jackson Is A Lunatic And The Knicks Are Still A Mess

We'll start with this.  Phil Jackson saying that some of the Knicks best games were played without Carmelo Anthony.  I've said before I am over Melo and wouldn't care if he was traded away (as long as they actually get value back) but this is perhaps the craziest thing I have ever heard.  Phil saying that some of the Knicks best games were without Carmelo Anthony, though they didn't win ANY of the 10 or 11 games without him.  Hey Zen Master, I have 32 games that were better and they were all with Melo.  Any loss isn't as good a game as win.  A loss where you played well isn't better than a win when you played poorly. You still lost, I don't care how you spin it, it's not better than actually winning.  If they Knicks ever went 60-22 and all 60 wins were ugly, but they played amazing in the 22 losses, nobody is going to say that the 22 losses were in any way better.  This is downright insane, love or hate Melo the Knicks suck without him no matter what Phillip tells you.

via ESPNCarmelo Anthony thinks Tom Thibodeau would have accepted the Knicks' head-coaching job if it were offered him. "I'm pretty sure in Thibodeau's situation, I'm pretty sure he wanted to come (to New York)," Anthony told ESPN. "He waited a while to see if there was gonna be an opportunity. It didn't happen."

Woah, woah, woah.  Let's reign it in a little bit Melo.  Maybe there's a chance Thibs wanted to coach New York, but I guarantee that Minnesota job was easily number one on his list.  Does he want to coach a young, promising, talented team that could be a title contender shortly?  Or would he rather coach a team in a perpetual cycle of mediocrity with a roster whose ceiling it perennial 8 seed in the East in a city where the fans and media will likely chase him out in a few years?  Real tough call.   Gosh, that second option sure sounds pretty good.  And also apparently the Knicks thought they didn't need to offer him the head coach/front office combo like Minnesota did?  After what the Chicago front office did to him last year?  This team is run by IDIOTS, bunch of goddamn fools.  How can you be so arrogant when you haven't been a contender in 20 years and haven't won a damn thing in 45?  Do a little research for me one time, and stop acting like everyone is still drooling of the "opportunity" to come to New York.  How many superstars have you signed in free agency the past 15 years?  Amare?  That didn't bomb.  And James Dolan doesn't care.  He's still worth billions of dollars so why would he care about the Knicks being good as long as people keep going to the Garden to watch this shitshow?  As long as he can keep rolling in the dough and laughing his way to the bank playing his damn kazoo or whatever the fuck he plays.

It's the kazoo guys.  Anyway now that I've gotten off topic and actually lost it with the incompetence of this franchise, all I can say is they better hire a decent coach (see: Luke Walton or David Blatt), ditch the triangle, try and get some draft picks, sign some decent players in free agency, and just stop being an embarrassment.  And I swear to God if Phil hires Kurt Rambis to be the full-time head coach I will make my way to New York and piss all over Phil's office.  Maybe I'll even shit in one of his desk drawers if I should feel so inclined.

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