Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Packers Update: Eddie Lacy Looking Shredded and Sam Barrington Manhandles Sharks

First a quick shoutout to Eddie Lacy for actually cutting weight/turning his gross fat into muscle.  Most recent look:

Now people were all freaking out about this picture because of how huge Derrick Henry looks, but I don't care about him.  Not one bit.  Note Eddie just looking jacked as all hell in that long sleeve, and looking smarter than the average Alabama football player in those specs.  No big ass gut sticking out anymore, look out NFL Feast Mode is coming and this year he won't be feasting on Chinese and double quarter pounders, he'll be feasting on every defender in his path while he racks up yards.  I'm calling career year for Lacy in addition to a Packer Super Bowl.

Now for Sam Barrington.  Don't know the name?  Learn it.  Dude reels in 400 pound bull sharks as a hobby.  No running backs to concuss?  No big deal for Sam, he's just gonna go manhandle a big ass shark instead.  Here's a quote from an nfl.com story on it:

"Took about 45 minutes to get him in but it was worth it," Barrington wrote in the caption of his Instagram photo.
Fun fact: The bull shark is regarded by many experts as the most dangerous species of shark in the world. It is aggressive (bad), known to linger in shallow areas (double bad) and has the rare ability to swim in both salt and fresh water (triple bad). During the 1920s, a series of bull shark attacks along the Jersey Shore inspired author Peter Benchley to write Jaws."

Oh, just reeled in the most dangerous shark known to man for fun, no big deal guys.  I'm glad I have a shark wrangler on my team, bet you wish you had one on yours now don't ya?  Even more commendable?  He wrastled with that thing for 45 MINUTES.  That's commitment.  If I can't do something in less than 15 minutes I give up and decide it's probably not worth my time.  Here's a pic of Barrington and his shark:

Badass.  I couldn't imagine doing that.  You ask me to do anything involving close proximity to sharks I'm out.  I wouldn't survive a shark encounter, I'm not trying to put myself in any position to be chomped on by a giant shark.  I enjoy being alive and not mutilated thank you very much.  But all the more credit to Sam, dude likes a challenge and isn't afraid of maybe dying from it.  That's a guy every team needs.

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