Wednesday, February 3, 2016

ESPN Named Stephen Curry 23rd Best Player Of All Time And People Are PISSED

Ohhhh boy, here we go!  ESPN stirring the pot!  Look, I didn't read the whole top 100 list because it's in groups of 5 or 10 not just a big ol list so that was annoying, but let's focus on this particular issue.  People are irrationally upset at a made up list that means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  It doesn't mean a damn thing, it's not an official ranking, it was made up by a couple guys at ESPN.  But the best part?  It isn't that far fetched and people refuse to believe that's even a remote possibility.  Now Steph wasn't on that elite level until last year really, but who else in the game has as big an impact as Steph other than LeBron?  Who?  Anthony Davis?  Melo?  Kevin Durant?  Westbrook?  Harden?  Exactly.  He's obviously not number one all time (though he's number one all time in my heart) that spot will be forever held by Jordan.  But these people just losing their minds over Steph being 23 all time according to ESPN is hilarious.  "Oh, he's 27 and only a 3 time all-star!"  Hey, he went to college for 3 years so he was 21/22 as a rookie and his third year he had constant ankle injuries.  In 2012-13 EVERYONE thought he should've been an all-star but he wasn't.  He has an MVP and on his way to a second this season and possibly more.  Kobe only won 1 MVP his whole career and he's a top 10 player of all time.  The Iverson and Nash arguments are funny.  I love both those guys but combined they have less titles than Steph.  And Nash had some really good teams in Phoenix, but take Steph off Golden State they're not serious contenders, if they're contenders at all.  Put him on any other team and they're significantly improved.  He's doing things that nobody has ever done in NBA history, and he's doing it with skill over athleticism.  Also people brining up history?  The talent level in the NBA today is astronomically higher than it was even 20 years ago.  If you think I'm wrong and just want to throw legends in my face you're an idiot.  Wilt Chamberlin in today's game?  He goes from a 40 20 guy to a 25 15 guy.  Iverson's game is already outdated, people want efficient three point shooters.  AI was an inefficient mid-range shooter.  But hey, let's throw out names of guy who were good in your childhood because you refuse to believe the baby-faced man that owns the NBA now is really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really good.  Where's the love for Vince Carter?  He was really good 15 years ago!  Tracy McGrady?  Hell Kwame Brown should be higher ranked higher than Steph right?  When it's all said and done Steph will be a top-10 player without question, by even the most irrational moron on the internet.  Even LeBron would recognize that.

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