Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Rockets Trying To Get NBA To Rescind Dwight Howard's Technicals


Get the fuck outta here Houston.  You're upset Dwight is leading the league with 12 techs and you don't want him suspended?  Well maybe you should tell Dwight to not even put himself in those positions, or to walk away.  He's not really a dirty player (though he was throwing out cheap shots in last year's WCF against the Warriors just saying) but he likes to say a little extra, or give a little shove if a guy's on him, or (and he really likes to do this) react to a call like a spoiled child being told no.  Maybe if he weren't such a bitch he'd get T'd less.  Don't complain about every call and you're good.  Don't try and be a fake tough guy anymore and you're good.  Just stop being Dwight Howard: the overgrown menstruating 9 year old, and just be a grown man for once.  I mean he obviously must deserve these tech's because refs don't just hand them out.  And why do people like petitioning so much?  Does it even ever work?  I need a stats guy to give me the success rate on petitions.  If I had to guess I'd go 4% at most.  Why does Houston even care so much anyway?  With or without Dwight they're mediocre.  James Harden was apparently so depressed by not winning MVP last year that he started dating one of the gross Kardashians and then went back to being the fat, lazy, slob James Harden of 2013-14.  You're locked into the 7 seed where you'll get waxed by San Antonio in the first round.  But hey, do you H-town, because after all, Dwight is still a champion.

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