Tuesday, February 2, 2016

SI Is Going To Host A Super Bowl Party With A Performance By Iggy Azalea, Making It An Awful Super Bowl Party


Worst idea of all time.  Do you even want to sell tickets?  I don't care that two swimsuit models are hosting the event, once you tell me Iggy Azalea is going to perform I am gone, and so is just about everyone.  If Sports Illustrated provides high quality ear plugs, then it's a maybe at best.  What stiff in the SI office was trying to figure out a way to get people excited for their Super Bowl party and thought, "Iggy Azalea should perform, I've heard of her so people must like her!"  That person needs to be canned if they haven't been already.  You don't have an idea that terrible and keep your job no matter how important you are.  Iggy?  Bro, Iggy?  Really?  There's about seventeen billion other artists you should have gotten, or tried to get, before Iggy.  If they tried to get other people before Iggy, they should still be fired for lack effort.  The only thing she has that puts asses in the seats is her ass, and once she starts rapping no ass is worth listening to that.  If she opened with Fancy I'd stay for that, because in all honesty that is a legendary jam, but nothing more.  Want to know why Sports Illustrated is falling off?  It's not because magazines are a dying industry or their content isn't actually that good, it's because people who work there decide that there is any circumstance where they should have Iggy Azalea perform at one of their events.  There is NO circumstance where Iggy Azalea should perform anywhere.  Ever.

Just incase you don't believe me:
Love the people who start cheering when she starts "rapping" fast.  "Wow she's saying sounds really fast!  That's so impressive!"  She's not even making sense.  The point of free styling is to come up with a good rap on the fly that actually makes some sense.  Not just saying things that kinda rhyme.  This is what you're hiring SI.

Like this post?  Share it!  Not sharing it would be dumber than hiring Iggy Azalea to perform.  At any event.  Ever.

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