Thursday, February 4, 2016

Johnny Manziel Has Officially Lost It (If His Girlfriend Was Telling The Truth)

Crowley has told authorities that, according to sources, she is afraid for her safety and has drafted an order of protection to be presented to a Tarrant County district court judge.
Crowley and Manziel dated for two years and lived together for four months before breaking up in December, sources said.
Sources say in her affidavit, Crowley outlines the details of an alleged assault that she said began in Manziel's hotel room in Dallas in the early morning hours of Saturday, Jan. 30.
Sources say on Friday night, Crowley and three friends started the evening off at Victor Tangos, a swanky restaurant in the Knox-Henderson neighborhood in Dallas.
Crowley and friends bar-hopped for a few hours before she met Manziel in his room at Hotel ZaZa in Uptown Dallas.  Sources say while in his hotel room, the two of them argued over another girl. Crowley told police she tried to leave the room, but that Manziel wouldn't let her.
Crowley told police Manziel "restrained" in some manner and "led" her down a back stairway to the valet area.
"I was crying and begged the valet, 'Please don't let him take me. I'm scared for my life!'" she told police. The valet reportedly told her, "I don't know what to do" and let Manziel leave with her.
Sources say Manziel then drove her about a half-mile to her car, which was parked near the Concrete Cowboy bar off Cedar Springs Road. She claims she jumped out of the car and tried to hide from Manziel, but he found her in some nearby bushes.
"He grabbed me by my hair and threw me back into the car and got back in himself," she reportedly told police. "He hit me with his open hand on my left ear for jumping out of the car. I realized immediately that I could not hear out of that ear, and I still cannot today, two days later."  Crowley then reportedly hit Manziel several times, hoping to get out of the car, but, she told police, Manziel "threw me off of him" and she hit her head on the car window. She told police he would not give her her phone.
Sources say Manziel then got on Interstate 30 and began driving to her apartment in Fort Worth. While en route, she claims, she yelled at him, "I hate you!" He allegedly replied that "he was going to drop me off, take my car and go kill himself," sources said.
She says she thought he was on drugs or maybe having a psychotic break. She told police she then began telling him she loved him.
She says at that time Manziel "started laughing" and then reportedly yelled at her to "shut up or I'll kill us both."
She says they finally made it to her Fort Worth apartment where the argument continued.
Crowley claims Manziel became angry, and smashed her phone. He then went outside and started "pacing," she told police. While she was alone, she tried to use her computer to contact her parents through Apple's FaceTime video chat system.
She said Manziel came back into the apartment, checked her computer, and realized she had tried to contact her parents.
"I was in my kitchen, so out of fear for my life, I pulled a knife out of my knife block and advanced toward him," Crowley told police.
"He ran out of the apartment," she said. When she saw him in the parking lot, she said she banged on a neighbor's door and screamed for help. Manziel fled on foot, she told police.

Welp, Johnny has hit a new all time low, which is maybe the most impressive thing he's done while in the NFL.  Now police have closed the investigation with no charges being pressed against Johnny so one of two things happened.  Either the cops had Johnny's back on this one, or his girlfriend (or now ex I think)  was lying her ass off.  If she was that's a huge bitch move, the guys got enough problems as it is lady.  If she actually wasn't then I may have to finally step out of Johnny's corner, because if there's one thing I'll never support it's beating a woman.  Under any circumstance.  Even if this happened and he was on drugs, you can't hit a woman, you just can't.  Anyway do you think cops would actually just help Manziel here?  I don't think anyone would, especially if that was true.  So now we're left with Coleen Crowley lying like the dickens.  What a bitch.  Why would you do that?  Did you want to break up with him but didn't want to be the girl abandoning her man when he's constantly hitting new lows?  If so doing this was a horrible thing to do, yet I'm impressed at the story if it is made up.  It was so good that I'd hire her as a writer even though I cannot afford to pay her.  That's like an opening scene from Criminal Minds or CSI or some shit.  That is an intense situation and you had Johnny sound like a crazy serial killer.  This is like when OJ was in the car, but if OJ were driving and he was with his ex-wife instead of just having killed her.  Is that a stretch?  Probably, but I mean damn!  The parts about him saying he was going to kill himself or both of them?  That's extreme.  I could buy him feeling like that though, with all the hate and scrutiny and he can't find consistent success when a whole city expected the world of him.  I'd probably want to kill myself too if I were in that situation.  And arguing about a girl with him?  He's Johnny Fucking Football, what did you expect?  That he's just not going to try and get with every girl he can while he's out getting smashed at Vegas when he's supposed to be at a game?  Maybe she wouldn't make stuff like this up.  But if this is actually true that's a definite low for the Money Man, and I may have to retire from supporting him.  I'm going to need a definitive statement on how much of that is true.  And true or not maybe THIS is what turns Johnny around and back on the path to being the most electric player in the game.  If not, it's been a fun ride Johnny, well until you went pro and fucked it all up.

Like this post?  Share it!  Not sharing it would be a bigger bitch move than making up a really elaborate story and telling it to the cops and then having the media know about it.  (Unless it's true then not sharing it would be, I don't know just share it ok?)

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