Monday, February 22, 2016

Knicks (interim) Head Coach Kurt Rambis Just Casually Liked A Porn Tweet. Or Did He?

Dirty Kurt taking a break from coaching to like a tweet of some chick blasting herself.  What's so wrong about that?  Dude was just scrolling through the feed, saw that chick just hammering herself and enjoyed it, so what?  Can't a man just like a tweet by I Like 2 Touch! about loving female masturbation without public backlash and his employer launching an investigation to prove he was hacked when we all know he wasn't anymore???  For real though, someone's gotta teach grandpa Kurt the rules of social media.  You never know who may be checking up on your likes, it could be literally anyone, and you have 43K followers man.  Gotta know what you're doing, don't let them catch you liking tweets about a chick finger banging.  Ever.  Not even normal people would risk that.  So obviously Coach Kurt isn't normal.  Dude's internet history is probably full of porn, and he's too old to know how to clear it.  Open safari on his phone or computer and it's chicks blasting themselves all over the place.  But again normal people don't like porn tweets, normal people don't retweet porn shit, normal people don't even say anything about porn on social media unless it's a joke.  A very obvious joke.  Kurt is obviously a big porn guy, which would help explain why he has the worst coaching record in NBA history.  Other than him being a terrible coach.  Best part of all this has to be the Knicks launching an investigation to get people to believe that he was hacked.  He wasn't hacked.  Any person of any notoriety who does something stupid online and calls hack, is never hacked.  Nope Kurt's just a dirty old man and now the whole world knows it.  So close to just quitting being a Knicks fan, it'd be tough, but I may have to go full-time Warriors fan even after Steph retires.  But New York just picked up Jimmer, and they have the Latvian Lazer (Porzingis) so I can't.  Classic Knicks.

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