Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ronda Rousey Says She Contemplated Suicide After Getting Her Ass Kicked


First thing, suicide is no laughing matter at all, and I genuinely mean that.  But Ronda?  Like it or not you're still the face of women's UFC and saying one loss made you want to kill yourself?  I know it was a brutal loss and it took you from being one of the most badass people on the planet to know people don't really care anymore, but still.  That's not the heart of a champion.  The Ronda we know would talk mad shit about Holm right now, then go get back in that octagon and get her ass kicked again.  But your loser UFC boyfriend is what kept you going?  Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he beat his ex?  And you want HIS kids?  Oh, sorry, the exact quote was "I need to have his babies.  I need to stay alive."  Props to you for fighting through that suicide phase, but if someone actually says they need to "have his babies" not jokingly, they're psychotic.  Just the phrasing is way to weird for me.  Just say have his kids.  Not babies, maybe I'm alone in that thinking but that just comes off far to aggressive to me.  A girl says she wants to "have my babies" seriously (that's never happened I'm just saying IF it did) I'm GONE.  Off her radar forever.  Now if it were "have my kids" that's ok.  Not right now it isn't because I'm 20 and going to college which I'll spend the rest of my goddman life paying for, but that wouldn't make me the least bit uncomfortable if I were like minimum 26/27 (again guessing, but this time about the ages.)  But anyway, Ronda was outclassed by Holm, no question.  I'm already pumped for the rematch (I didn't watch the first one) so pumped I'll pay for it.  Not the whole thing myself, but split it with some friends, or watch it at a bar.  I actually want Ronda to win, and just go back to beating girls in under 15 seconds, because that is insane and fun to watch. New mopey, serious Ronda is kind of a drag.  Give me brash, loud-mouth, cocky Ronda any day.

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