Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Aaron Rodgers Says If He Wins Powerball He Would Buy An NHL Team

This was a notification on my phone, and I love you Aaron, but if anyone doesn't need to win $1.5 it's you.  You make an average of around $22 million a year from football as it is, then you get paid by sponsors.  I don't need a rich, famous person potentially stealing $1.5 billion from me.  Rodgers is the best, I love having him as my quarterback and wouldn't take any other qb in the league over him, but if he wins the lottery instead of me that'd hurt.  It wouldn't be as bad as like Kim Kardashian winning though, or any member of that family.  The Kardashian's are actually vampires, but instead of sucking blood to leave victims weak, they suck in attention and leave their victims (American, mostly female ages 14-45) with brain damage.  Seriously if a Kardashian wins, I give up, either they rigged the drawing like it's the NBA lottery, or they sold their souls to satan.  Both are equally bad.  Or again, any famous person at all, or even a millionaire, like I have probably about $50 to my name at this moment, I don't necessarily need a billion dollars, but like a hundred grand would be awesome, I could pay for college and not be in debt, then get a job and live my average life.  So now that me saying I don't need a famous person winning has turned in to a rant on Kardashians and so on I need to get back to Aaron's victory plan.  Buy an NHL team, I guess that'd probably be the cheapest major sport team to buy right?  Like the Clippers sold for $2 billion a couple years ago.  I never really pegged Aaron as a big hockey guy though, like I have never once heard him mention it before.  Is Olivia Munn a hockey fan?  Who knows, but would Aaron be an owner who just kind of is behind the scenes and stays out of the front office's way or would he be a jackass like Jerry Jones and prevent his team from having any actual success.  I'd imagine former, but you never know.  I like his line of thinking though, I'd like to buy a sports team but I was thinking football or basketball, those are probably too expensive though, so maybe NHL is the way to go.  Anyway, I would like to wish those of you reading this who bought a ticket good luck tonight. (donate like 80 grand to me if you win, I'd do whatever in return other than pay you back unless I somehow end up rich)

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