Wednesday, January 20, 2016

LeBron Talking Monday's Loss To The Warriors And Other Nonsense

Ok, so the other stuff after the Warrior talk isn't really nonsense, it's just LeBron saying it takes time for an insanely talented team to play well together and win a championship....riiiiight, ok year 2 and the Cavs have regressed so I don't know how often he can keep saying that.  I feel like he's trying to talk himself into believing that in time he can beat the Warriors, or Spurs, or even the Thunder in a best of 7.  Look, if anyone deserves a title it's Cleveland, but in the NBA right now I don't see it happening.  Unless the Spurs, Warriors, and Thunder all suffer major injuries I think one of those three teams is winning it all.  Also I said I actually like the Bulls to upset Cleveland if they play (subject to change though).  But back to the important thing, saying you can throw that loss in the trash and forget about it?  I get it's a bad loss in the middle of January, but that team has been so in LeBron's head since losing to them last year that last nights massacre is actually something you can't just move past.  Remember when the Cavs started 8-3 or whatever and LeBron was freaking out about them not being good enough because the Warriors haven't lost yet?  Or Monday he was wishing someone had asked him about Steph saying he hopes the locker room still smells like champagne quote because he had such a good comeback prepared?  Like he literally (probably) lost sleep trying to come up with the perfect comeback to something Steph Curry just said with zero intent of offending anyone or slighting Cleveland.  Then you lose by 34 to that same team that is keeping you up at night?  I'm sorry, but you cannot just get past that, that loss will bother LeBron for forever, and if they meet in the Finals you know he'll be fearing that happening.  The best part is that the Warriors could not care less about the Cavs, any Warrior-Cavalier "beef" is only in the heads of Cleveland.  But honestly I really enjoyed making the points I did, but I only wrote this blog to play this vine:

That face he makes after he sees it's Steph says it all.  I mean how much do you think it bugs him that Steph has replaced him as the face of the NBA/most popular player/best player and so few people hate Steph yet so many still hate LeBron?  Can't really blame the guy (especially when his ego is fragile yet giant) for losing it seeing the baby faced assassin own him.

PS- I imagine LeBron wakes up and has a picture of Steph taped to his mirror so he sees it everyday, then going on a Rocky-like training montage all in an effort to beat Golden State.  He probably even crumpled it up Monday morning before playing them.  The only thing he fails to realize is that he's the Russian and Steph is Rocky.

Don't forget to share this on twitter or Facebook or google+ or tumblr or youtube or mail or phone message or myspace or plane banner or highway billboard or any other way you can think of.  If you don't I will figure out a way to dominate your thoughts, I will be the Steph to your LeBron, so for your sake I think you should.  I'd appreciate the hell out of it!

1 comment:

  1. If someone could actually photoshop that scene from rocky where he crumples to Russians picture but switch the faces to Lebron as Rocky and Curry as Drago and email that to me you'd be my hero. Otherwise I'm still gonna do it but I have yet to photoshop anything and it'll probably take me a year minimum.
