Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Seahawks Fan Can't Handle Loss To Carolina, Writes Facebook Letter To Cam Newton

Good lord Sarah, you lost, get over it.  Know what?  Seattle lost all the time until 3 years ago, how did you all forget that?  And it's a fucking 12th man flag, not the American flag, get off your high horse Sarah.  And saying Seattle fans come with "class, respect, a love for the game, a willingness to help others, love for God, and love for those around us" is laugh out loud funny.  Seattle fans, are the most classless, disrespectful, arrogant, delusional fans I have ever come across.  I'm pretty sure half of them don't even really understand football.  Pats fans are arrogant and disrespectful, but they at least get the game.  Seattle suck, every last one of them, from the people who actually always back their team (which is like 4% of them) to the bandwagon hoppers from their first Super Bowl run.  And like him or not Cam Newton is one of the classiest guys in the NFL, the only thing "disrespectful" he does is celebrate on the field, while he's playing a goddamn game.  Don't like that?  Then hope your team stops him, otherwise deal with it.  I have zero problem with Cam and his celebrating, in fact I love it. Why can't a guy celebrate, because at the end of the day when you break it all down, football is game.  A GAME.  And as far as I'm concerned he did the world a favor throwing that stupid blue flag with a 12 on it.  It's a flag, it may mean something to those lunatics from Seattle, but literally nothing to the rest of the world.  And saying all Seattle fans are charitable?  Get real Sarah, Cam does an outrageous amount of charity work, and nobody even knows.  I love that, Cam doesn't care if people know how great a guy he is, it almost seems like he would rather have the people think he's arrogant and hate him.  Unlike guys like LeBron or JJ Watt, who every time they do something remotely nice for anyone, they have to post it on all their social media platforms and shove it in your eye going "LOOK HOW GREAT AND NICE I AM!"  To me, guys like that really aren't that nice, and feel like they need to show the world they are to cover up for them being scumbags.  So let's all stop sending Cam Newton letters and if you really can't stand the guy cuss him out in private for 5 minutes and move on like a normal fan would.

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