Tuesday, January 12, 2016

WIAA (Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association) Bans Everyday Chants At High School Sporting Events.


I heard about this a few days ago and it blew up nationally like today.  As a Wisconsin resident I can't say I'm overcome with shock at this.  The WIAA is THE WORST.  Anyone from Wisconsin could tell you that, but this is probably the worst thing they've ever attempted.  For one thing, I'm not even sure that this can be enforced?  What happens if you do chant "airball" or "scoreboard".  You get T'd up?  Ejected?  GET REAL.  Can't wait for the losers who run the WIAA to wake the fuck up and join the real world.  How on Earth can anyone actually think this is offensive?  And assuming the "USA" is meant as "you suck ass".  I'm sure to some, but hey let's assume they're really talking about the good ol' United States of America.  Is that harmful?  To a foreign exchange student maybe, but then why'd they come here in the first place?  Athletes love the hostile crowds, if they're actually competitive.  And if they're not then they're either going to get cut or rarely play.  That's another motivator if you ask me.  Does the WIAA not want competitive high school sports in Wisconsin?  Here's another thing, ease up WIAA we live in Wisconsin!  During the high school basketball season our state is a miserable, frozen wasteland.  Let the kids be kids!  Anyone with a human brain can't actually think this is a good idea.  It's not even PC, like what's politically incorrect about getting on a kid for throwing up and airball?  Oh he doesn't like it?  Maybe he should draw fucking iron then, or better yet get over it and make the next shot.  Kids will stop going to games if this is seriously enforced and that effectively ruins high school sports, who wants to play in an empty gym or stadium?  Nobody.  Here's a fun story to wrap this rant up; when I was a senior two years ago some kids from Germantown (the team that wins D1 state basketball all the time) got caught with weed.  Now say what you will about weed, I agree it's not that terrible, but still it's an illegal drug in Wisconsin, so they get suspended for a few games and were back for the playoffs.  On the flip side, the year before a kid from Xavier high school in Appleton was caught playing in a CYO basketball game which is like a rec league/inter-murals, and the whole team was eliminated from the playoffs and the team they beat was allowed to go to state instead.  He played in a damn CYO game and the whole team was kicked out, not just him, but a couple kids get caught with weed and they can still go win state?  That's why I will never EVER take this joke organization seriously.  The assholes running Wisconsin high school sports need to retract these new "rules" or step down and let people with brains take over.

PS- We played Germantown that year, and you know what we did?  A whole bunch of weed chants, why didn't the WIAA come down from their high horse and stop that?  But god forbid we chant airball, get the fuck outta here WIAA.

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