Friday, January 22, 2016

USC Players Don't Want Rams in L.A. Because They Think They'll Steal Their Girls

Interesting stuff, the guys in the video are SC basketball guys so I wouldn't think they get more girls anyway, I'd think it'd be the football guys worried about that.  You'd think the UCLA basketball guys would be the ones getting the girls in LA right?  Maybe it's just me who thinks that and I'm not a girl in LA looking to hook up with college hoops players so what would I know?  Anyway, this is awesome, LA is pumped about NFL coming back and these guys are like no way, they'll just steal our girls.  Then he backtracks and says they'll try to steal their girls.  Yeahh, I don't think it'll be hard for a multimillionaire professional athlete to steal a girl from a college kid, no matter how much the boosters are paying him.  If Todd Gurley wants the same girl one of those kids do, Todd gets that girl, if nothing else it's because he's rich.  I get it though, USC basketball gets the girls the Lakers, Clippers, Dodgers, Angels, SC football, UCLA football, and UCLA basketball guys don't want.  I'm sure those are the ones the Rams will go for.  You're right guys, you should be afraid.   If anything you'll lose them to UCLA basketball and you guys will have to bump down another level.  But it's not like you live in LA where there's plenty of hot women.  It's a damn shame, pray for these guys.

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