Thursday, January 7, 2016

HS Basketball Players In Tennessee Allegedly Rape Teammate In Hazing Incident

Now that's a heavy headline right?  Now first off, I'm going to say that rape is a crime that to me is on the same level as murder.  It's honestly probably the most traumatizing thing that can be done to a person, like that will mess up your whole life.  It's something that a person never gets over, ever, and if there is even a slight amount of truth to this claim then the kid who's being charged should be locked up and never allowed to touch another human being again.  But now I have to say this is not "hazing" like I don't think even frat bros rape pledges.  Hazing to me is you constantly bust a guys balls and make his life miserable for a while, you don't violate him and ruin his life, that's assault not hazing.  To even use the word hazing in this case, even if that's what this incident stemmed from, is inappropriate and simply wrong because that's not what hazing is.  No way.  This kids life is ruined now, people at his school know he was the one in the hospitalized and in that town he will forever be the kid who was raped.  He has to up and leave as soon as he can, I'm sure he'll get plenty of sympathy, but that'll go away and then I assume it's probably pretty weird for him.  I feel like he needs to leave and go somewhere and just distance himself from this once it's all over.  Like I said, rape stay with you for life both emotionally and now with social media and the internet, publicly, and I know that I wouldn't want anyone to I was raped, like people would be so weird around you then. And if you read this article two moms stepped forward and said their sons were beaten at the same tournament the kid who was raped and hospitalized.  Where's the coach?  Does he have any handle on the team?  How can you have not just one instance of a kid getting the shit kicked out of him, but three and one of them involving rape all at the same goddamn tournament?!?!  I'm not saying it's his fault but c'mon man, either those kids are just really good at hiding who they really are, or this coach is the worst judge of character of all time (Or the psychopaths were really good at basketball).  I just want to know why?  Or how these kids thought they could get away with any of this?  Who just beats the living shit out of a teammate??  I have had plenty of teammates that I absolutely hated, but I'd never even attempt to hospitalize them, and you don't think that, today especially, nobody would trace it back to you?  Have you ever seen any cop/crime investigation show ever*?  You cannot get away with anything, somebody will figure it out and with social media alone they have a near endless amount of ways to get that information out, and they can even do it under a fake name or something so you can't beat the hell out of them too.  This is just a bad, bad, bad situation, and in high school, to other guys, I have to believe this is true.  This isn't a girl saying she was assaulted by a big name pro/college player looking for money, no this is about high school basketball players beating and allegedly raping their teammate(s).  As far as we know it's not even like a Randy Moss or Allen Iverson like they got in a race fight in high school, nope, just the team at a tournament and things took the ultimate turn for the worse, now for the guys who didn't do any of this heinous stuff they don't have at least the rest of the season to look forward to as a distraction or anything.  Just a horrible situation and I hope that if it did happen those kids are punished as harshly as they can be and I sincerely pray that the kids who were beaten and especially the kid who was raped can get back to leading as normal a life he can and this doesn't do too much damage to him.

*I know they're shows and all dramatized, but in high school I took a trip to a crime lab in my little no name town in Wisconsin and they guy who ran it said they basically do what you see on like CSI on a smaller scale.  The man showed us all how we could be caught just from the bottoms of our shoes so that shit's for real.

PS- On a lighter note, can you imagine the sympathy from chicks this kid will likely get?  Now I don't know what Ooltewah, Tennessee has going for them girl-wise, but still this kid will probably be getting sympathy/pity sex for this, and if that doesn't help him then I hope he finds something that does.

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