Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Patriot Linebacker Darius Flemming Saves Woman From Burning Car. Played Last Week With 22 Stitches.

Or did he?  I've been trying to follow this story all day, but let's be honest, that's a lot of work.  From what I've gathered it sounds like it's true, other than maybe the fire.  I've made it known I do not like the Patriots at all, but I do hope this story is true.  Not for the Pats sake, but it seems every time an athlete gets a weird injury doing something heroic, he actually got hurt doing something stupid.  Remember that USC kid last year who broke both his ankles jumping from a balcony but said he jumped from the balcony to save his nephew from drowning?  When he actually jumped because he's a moron?  Yeah I'm really sick of athletes trying to sell the world that they got hurt doing something heroic, not being a dumbass, then people dig and it turns out they were just being a dumbass.  I won't be shocked if in a week or two we hear Flemming actually needed 22 stitches because he was playing catch with butcher knives, or doing a sword demonstration, or he was using scissors to open a package and it was heavily taped at the end and when he finally broke through it went too far and into his leg.  Or basically any other reason than because he thought a woman's car was on fire and he cut it on glass trying to get her out.  For the sake of every athlete's credibility let this story be true.

PS- It would be kinda nice if it weren't true actually, because then all the Pats fans blindly defending him and acting like people who don't believe it are just "jealous of the Patriots success" or whatever would look so incredibly stupid.  Like you bet your reputation on this man, who you don't know and will never meet, telling the truth and he lied and made you all look like morons.

PPS- Still want it to be true though because I'm really sick of the made up shenanigans when athletes do something embarrassing and hurt themselves.

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