Thursday, January 28, 2016

Panther Superfan Makes UNREAL Playoff Anthem, Follows Up With Another Fire Track

HO-LEE SHIT.  If you haven't seen the first one by now, I just don't know what to tell ya.  But if you thought it couldn't possibly get any better than a chubby middle-aged redneck spitting raps to a generic apple garage band beat in his driveway, boy were you wrong.  Enter chubby middle-aged redneck doing spot-on panther sound while white trash redneck friend spits fire rhymes from a sheet of paper in his hand that he keeps looking at!  That first one is just pure gold, no need to go into great detail about it (though big time shout out to him shouting out the Panthers dance team the top cats or whatever the hell.  Talk about wheels, good lord.)  But you know how the sequel is never as good as the original?  Well throw that old adage in the trash now, these (likely) unemployed Panthers fans smashed the original.  The fact the guy had to look down at his raps in his hand during the panther sound is awesome.  If you didn't laugh at that then I don't even want to know you.  Starting the song by just dancing on the Cardinals graves with "we lost to the Cardinals, jk that was a joke!"  Ruthless, even Meek Mill's going "damn, glad Drake didn't come up with that while he was eviscerating me last summer."  You think if Carson Palmer hears that he'll just up and retire?  He almost has to, I don't know how Arizona comes back from that.  On top of that he drops a line about having a smoke then just pulls out a pack of Marbies and just awkwardly holds them there, explicit imagery, without it I would have been lost.  And I appreciate him calling the bay a nice area, not all raps need to be mean. Then he explained what a panther is, very helpful, here I was thinking it was a just big cat like a goddamn IDIOT.  Now I know it's actually a leopard, especially if it's black.  Flow got choppy after that but ended nicely talking about Greg's (Olsen I assume) hammer cock.  Then he had me thinking Josh Norman was mormon, but I guess he's not?  It just rhymed.  Then he spits in Manning's eye, and freestyles after the generic garageband beat, the very same one from the OG vid, ends.  Then a complete badass back to back pose.  Only to have their dweeb camera man not know how to stop the camera.  By the way, I'm almost certain that Ked guy who does the panther noise is actually part panther.  Or jungle cat at least.  Dude sounds exactly like how I imagine a panther would sound.  If I were walking through a jungle and he did that noise, I'd think my life is over.  I'm about to be some panther's fancy feast.  Love these videos though.  Some people might think they're corny and ridiculous.  They're right of course but those guys don't think they are.  I guarantee they finish those raps and think they just fucking killed it.  Game over, they run the rap game now.  And that's the beauty of these playoff anthems.  Finally, white trash is good for something.

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