Friday, January 29, 2016

Magic Johnson Delivered Some Hot Takes On Twitter This Afternoon The Way Only Magic Can

Hot Take 1:  Happy For Shaq

Not really much of a hot take but this is the first series of many series of tweets Magic would tweet out this fine Friday Afternoon.

So Magic giving his take on everything today started with some congrats for Shaq on getting a statue.  Lot's of positive vibes, pointing out the obvious, and exclamation points that are a Magic Johnson twitter trademark.  I mean I don't really have anything here, you want me to tear down a guy for congratulating Shaq on a well-deserved statue?  If so you're a monster.

Hot Take 2: Pau Gasol Should Be An All-Star

See, you can't really lobby a guy for all-star support after they announced the full rosters last night Earv.  And the big guys that made it ahead of him (Drummond, Bosh, Milsap, and the wildcard; Celtic guard Isiah Thomas) are all having arguably better years.  Certainly not worse years.  Pau's kind of weird too, he'll put up numbers but he does it in a way that rarely seems to impact the game.  Like you wouldn't know he put up 18 and 9 or whatever until you saw the numbers.  And Magic you know they didn't keep him because A) they gave Kobe a 2-year $48million contract and B) that team was going nowhere.

Hot Take 3: A Street Should Be Named After Dodgers Radio Man Vin Scully

Ok, not from LA, never listened to a Dodgers radio broadcast, but I do know Vin Scully has had that job roughly since baseball was invented.  I think they should put a statue of him in the radio booth, fuck a street name.  Do we even know when he's going to die?  I'm positive he's in his 200's so when is the best time to honor him actually?  Do you even need to honor someone who's never going to die?  Just put his name in Dodger Stadium somewhere (if they haven't already) like the Brewers did with Bob Uecker and be done with it.

Hot Take 4:  LeBron Not A Coach Killer


Magic is wrong here.  If you've read any of my posts on LeBron you're probably going "oh no, he's just going to rant about how much LeBron sucks again."  But you know what?  You're goddamn right I am!  Here's the deal, LeBron actually can win 2 titles, 4 MVPs, and go to the finals 6 times and still be a coach killer because he's just that talented.  Another interesting stat?  He's gotten (at least) 2 coaches fired and tried to get another one fired and that's been cited as his primary motivation for leaving Miami.  Because they wouldn't fire his coach.  Oh by the way, 4 of those 6 finals appearances he had Wade and Bosh on his team.  And he's played his whole career in the East, which other than this year, has been a total shit show, those Miami years he never really had another team to challenge the Heat the whole time, and he didn't last year either.  And yeah he's got a really high basketball IQ, but you who know also has a really high basketball IQ?  COACHES.  And I bet if you asked NBA coaches if they wanted LeBron a decent amount would actually say no.  Why?  Because look at his ever growing track record of disrespecting his coaches.  Who wants to deal with some super bitch no matter how talented he is?  Nobody wants that headache and to be pushed around by any player.  Think Phil Jackson took shit constantly from Jordan and Kobe?  Doubt it.  And finally my advice to LeBron is to stop being such an arrogant dickhead and just be a player for once you ass.

Hot Take 5: Cam Newton Is An NFL Great

Loved the start to this one, really had me drawn in wondering where he was going with this.  I actually agree with this one.  Cam Newton is awesome, and if you don't like him because you think he's "arrogant" or whatever bullshit reason then fuck you.  Don't want to see him dance all over your team in the end zone?  Stop him.  Oh he gives away footballs after he's done dancing?  What an awful thing to do!  No I'm with Magic, Cam's why I tune in every Sunday!  Not because there's nothing better to do because it's Sunday, to watch the great ones in the NFL.

Hot Take 6:  Best College Hoops Season Ever!!


I don't know about the best ever, but it's been a good one with all the upsets and whatnot.  Now contrary to Magic's belief, there are not 10+ teams that can win the NCAA championship this year.  Actually there's only one, North Carolina, but if you want me to be real there's like 4.  NC, Oklahoma, Michigan State, and Kansas.  Texas A&M could make a run, but nothing more than a Final 4 really.  But Magic is right, the standings are close, nailed that one.

He also threw in some individual tweets about Serena Williams, Hillary Clinton, and the All-Star game, just follow him yourself if you want to see them that bad though.

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