Thursday, January 28, 2016

Russell Wilson Needs To Google Complimentary Caption For His WCW Post....About His Super Hot Girlfriend Ciara. He Sucks

THIS JUST IN: Russell Wilson sucks at being a regular human being.  This shouldn't be news but still, it kinda is because this has to be an all time low right?  The guy refuses to have sex with THIS:

And now he can't even come up with literally anything to say about her on his own for a damn woman crush wednesday about her, his girlfriend.  First off what the hell are you doing a wcw for anyway Russ?  You're a pro football player not a teenage girl.  You clearly aren't whipped because YOU are withholding sex from HER.  I guess you did it because you're just a loser.  I think you've come closer to fucking the 12th man than Ciara.  If you don't see what's wrong with that you suck more than I thought you did.  You don't even deserve a dick at this point.  You won't use it with Ciara and if I'm being honest I'd probably give up my dick just to grab her ass, not even sensually just a quick grab and I'll be on my way.  You have to google how to compliment a beautiful woman and you picked the corniest shit ever.  Some shit about lilac soft honey lips?  What the hell you dork?  What page of your search results was that even on?  You couldn't just on your own come up with something like "my #wcw is my girl Ciaria because she's the most beautiful girl on the planet and is amazing."  It's that easy, that sucked and it's better than yours.  Or you search #WCW and pick any picture of a white couple and just use the caption because I'm sure it's some sappy bullshit.  Nope you had to go and google it and now you just look dumb.  C'mon Russ, you think Future ever googled anything to say about her?  Of course he didn't and he impregnated her and I bet he only said like 4 nice things to her max.  Forget Seattle being overrated, this is why they won't win another Super Bowl.

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