Monday, January 25, 2016

Missouri Quarterback Maty Mauk Suspended For Doing Cocaine

Yeah so doing coke as a d1 quarterback?  Not a great look.  Doing coke as a d1 quarterback and a video of it ends up on the internet?  Terrible look.  Look, this guy's a college quarterback just looking to let off some steam by doing some blow, what's so bad about that?  Well other than the fact it's illegal, awful for you, and he's a scholarship athlete and starting quarterback at an SEC school?  I guess nothing.  Look, if this guy was just smoking weed this is a laughable story, not even worth mentioning, just a little harmless college shenanigans.  But this guy not only snorting coke, but snorting coke in front of a camera, and did I mention HE'S A DIVISION 1 QUARTERBACK AT AN SEC SCHOOL???  How stupid can you get?  If you're in that position and you decide you want to snort some lines, don't ever, ever, EVER, do it in front of a fucking camera!  But I guess if you're dumb enough to do cocaine, you're dumb enough to do it in front of a camera.  Maty learning the hard way that he should've just got hammered and smoked some weed like a normal person.

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