Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Buffalo Bills Hire Kathryn Smith As First Full-time Female Assistant Coach

First Rex hires Rob, now he hires this Kathryn Smith.  Not gonna go the easy route and say she must have had nice feet to be hired by Rex.  Good for the Bills though.  They have Rex Ryan (and now also Rob on the staff) as their head coach and the lovable degenerates known as Bills Mafia for a fan base, so you wouldn't think Buffalo is the first team that would hire a female coach.  I'd expect like New England or I could even see Green Bay doing that.  But let's take a step back here, her actual job title is "special teams quality control coach."  Is that actually a real job to begin with?  I played football until my junior year of high school, watched and followed it my whole life, never once have I heard of a special teams quality control coach.  I'm pretty sure "quality control" falls under the basics of being the special teams coach, and she's obviously not straight up special teams coach, because then they wouldn't have added "quality control" after special teams.  So my question is does she even have to do anything at all?  And if she doesn't can I be the STQCC for a team?  Any team, even like Chicago or Minnesota I don't care.   I'm struggling to figure out what she would even do other than just kind of be there and maybe make a point or two in film.  This may just be a savvy veteran coaching/PR move by Rex.  People think you're a buffoon for hiring your gigantic brother who's a terrible coach?  Hire a woman.  Instant hero.  Love it, maybe next year Rex's team won't be among the most penalized (no you can laugh, obviously they will be).  One serious point though, I don't care how into football any girl is, I don't think that's a sport they should coach.  Like the highest level of football for woman is the Lingerie Football League, and if you watch that it's not for the football, no matter what you tell your wife/girlfriend/anyone.  Becky Hammon and the Spurs is different, because even though men's and women's basketball are different as far as like athleticism, it's still the same basic game, it's still basketball, that's why I think that works and she may be a head coach someday.  This has to purely be PR, jokes aside, that or Rex has officially run out of ideas.

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